Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spiritual Committophobe

"Yeah...I'm not ready for this next step."

"That's fine. I'm a patient kind of God."

"Why do you want me to do this? Of all people?"

"Well, I'll answer your question with My own."

"What's that?"

"Why shouldn't I want you to do this?"

"How much time do you have?"

"Truthfully? All the time in the world. And More."

"Well, I lie, I hide, my past relationships incurred A LOT of baggage, I compare myself to others, and I'm kind of a whore. I doubt, I worry, my feelings rule my life, and did I mention I'm a whore?!"

"Yes. You mentioned that once or twice. As God of this universe, I have the ability to count. It's pretty sweet. Anyway, I don't buy it. I knew all this before you did. What else you got?"


"I'm stopping you there. You're being critical about my creation, and it offends Me. You: I made you in My image. You accept & perpetuate lies that become believable, and it tests my patience.

You say you're a whore. You're self-aware, and I mean to encourage you when I say you're closer to me than you think. You're in like company. There are people who yell louder in response to a touchdown, a head shot, or a Pokemon evolving more than they ever did when they were playing the frozen chosen in a church. There are people who squeal in delight at a shore clearance sale, a decorative throw pillow blowout, or a pregnancy more than they do when they make time to even talk to Me. Not with Me, but to Me: the God who made the cow that was killed for the leather of the shoes being sold, the God who made the cotton to fill those superfluous throw pillows, and the God that procured the orgasm from nothing so they actually have some foresight in regards to that pregnancy!

The truth is, you all have something in common: your priorities don't include me. I love you enough to tell you I've never been okay with this; neglect & disobedience will be unacceptable at all times. At one time, you chose Me; you then opted to become a slave of men. You are all adulteresses, and My collective bride deserves a divorce from me, but I love you all too much to sign the papers.

You've listed, very adequately mind you, your weaknesses that would prevent you from doing what I'm inviting you to join me in. It only showcases your doubt & self-pity. Focus on my grace rather than your inadequacy. And you're right. You can't... alone. Trust in me. I'm not going to fail you."


"Read My word, buddy. I've made enough promises & haven't broken one yet. Have faith, child. You in or not?"

1 comment:

  1. "My collective bride deserves a divorce from me, but I love you all too much to sign the papers."

    Makes me think about John Piper's hard stance against those who would use the scriptures to speak of adultery being grounds for divorce (using Matthew 5:31).

    The Fallen have always desired to find ways out of commitment because of the hardening of their hearts.

    But how would divorcing our flesh after our spouse's adultery image the Creator's love for His church?

    Has He severed Himself from His bride, or has He embraced her and made her holy by the washing of water with the Word (namely, Christ)?

    If so, Christ would have evacuated like the Koran seems to suggest he did, thus the end of all of his capitalized pronouns.

    I will choose to capitalize Him, however.

    Love it.
